Life Lesson: Sewing Buttons

Last week, I was wearing a dress with brass buttons on the epaulets and raglan seams. Unfortunately for me, they were very poorly sewn on (I could see a little knot at the end of the thread sticking out of the outside of the dress!) and they kept popping off throughout the day. Lucky for me, I was able to save 2 out of 3 of the buttons that fell off (I don’t know where that third one went…). Also lucky for me, I know how to sew on a button correctly and keep thread and needles both at home and in my purse.

For those of you who have not yet learned to sew on a button, I highly recommend that you take 3 seconds to do a Google search and watch one of the dozens of very good YouTube videos that walk you through all the steps of sewing on a button: preparing the thread, sewing on the button, creating the shank, and then securing and cutting off the the thread.

Then at least when you end up in a situation like me, you’ll be able to fix it.

Update: Because of the website reformat, I’ve lost some of the photos on the site including the ones that used to be above.