Further Reading & Listening: Augmented Reality Trends

At the end of most of my class sessions, I include a “Further Reading & Listening” materials slide for my students. Occasionally, I will share blog posts that do the same for blog posts I’ve written elsewhere. 

If you read my blog post for Convince & Convert, “3 Augmented Reality Trends Marketers Should Watch“, you may be interested in learning more about AR and how it’s impacting gaming, shopping, and technology. It’s a topic that I think is particularly relevant right now because of the runaway success of Pokémon Go, but also because camera, GPS, screen, and facial recognition technology is all getting more advanced.

Here are a few additional resources that you might find interesting.

The Future of AR is Already in Your Pocket

From 2015’s SXSW, this panel talked about Niantic’s (makers of Pokémon Go and Ingress) CEO discussing the successes and lessons of their first hit game.

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An Augmented Reality Mirror Lets You Test Makeup Without Putting It On

In the blog post, I discuss how AR is already being used in retail locations. See it in action, in a video demo in this article from Gizmodo.

The Car Windshield is Turning into a Computer Screen

Bloomberg shares some really interesting insights into how AR is being integrated into car and vehicle technologies, in this article with video.