Digital Marketing 101 for Creative Types: Sign Up for Updates!

As you may know, I’ve spent most of my career working with brands and individuals to hone their marketing presence and make the most of their resources. In the course of that process, I often coach people on how to concept, prioritize, and implement a digital presence that they can truly maintain–on their own website, on social media, and on others’ sites–and clients and friends often ask me about teaching it as a class.

So by popular demand, I’m currently planning to offer my 101 class as a standalone session in NYC this summer. (I’m currently in talks to offer it at some events around the country too, so stay tuned for additional announcements.)

It’s perfect for writers, actors, teachers, and other small business owners in creative fields, who want to learn how to :

  • actually get a website up and running (for a shoestring budget)
  • understand how to really maintain social media without driving themselves crazy
  • to grow their business through online marketing but don’t know how!

Email me at to sign up for the email list, and I’ll let you know when the class is scheduled and its location.