Fast Fridays: Throwing Together a Quick Meal

Squid ink pastaI’m often told by friends that they don’t have a good sense of how to throw together a meal without specific recipes. I rarely use recipes, and mostly, I cook out of my fridge, figuring out what I’ve got at home and how I can create an interesting dish. However, sometimes, when the mood strikes me, I like to go pick up a few things the day-of–as they do in Europe–to create something fresh for dinner.

When picking up items to throw together a meal, I like to go with simple, straightforward dishes. I like to think about the meal in terms of a protein, vegetable matter, and some kind of starch. Sometimes you don’t need all three, but generally, I try to find a way to incorporate each.

Not too long ago, I went to Eataly, that wonderland of Italian culinary supplies, with my mother and picked up freshly made squid-ink linguini, along with some lovely arugula and tomatoes. Sautéing the veggies in a little olive oil with some garlic made for a light and easy sauce over the lovely deeply colored pasta. Shrimp or chicken would make for some nice protein with this dish, as would fish.

When thinking about the composition of the meal, I think about flavors that go well together and provide balance. Thinking about a light meal like fish steamed with lemon and butter? Pair it with roasted potatoes with rosemary and butter. A neutral veggie like broccoli or spinach would go nicely.

Thinking about a rich meal like steak? Try roasted cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, vegetables that can hold their own against those rich flavors. Kale’s another great option.

All in all, putting together a meal without recipes is mostly about practice and getting used to the flavors and textures that you like together.