Give Your Old Cell Phone a New Life

Those who know me well know that I am big on de-cluttering. But I don’t just trash things. Clothing can be donated. Food can be composted. Even bras can live on.

Last summer, I attended the BlogHer conference and in my goody bag, I received this pouch from HopeLine from Verizon.

HopeLine from Verizon pouch

This prepaid envelope allowed me to mail several old cell phones to HopeLine so they could be used to support local shelters and nonprofits focusing on domestic violence prevention and awareness. I thought this was a great idea. I had three cell phones that I had held onto (because I can’t bear just trashing things that seem like they’d have another use) over the years, so I was extremely happy to find a good use for them.

If you also have cell phones lying around your house, go to their website and request an envelope.