Latest Book Acquisitions: Knitting, Dining, Happiness

On Tuesday, I got a box from Amazon. I was expecting some jewelry supplies (more on that soon), but when I popped it open, I noticed there was also a book at the bottom of the box. I hadn’t ordered a book with that latest purchase, so I was confused.

When I flipped it over, I realized it was the gorgeous new book from my friend, Kristina McGowan, which I had pre-ordered last month. Nice how everything came in one box!

I’ve just started flipping through it, but like her last book, this one is full of feminine, accessible designs that are easy to customize. I can’t wait to get started using it.

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I’ve also gotten some new additions to my food-related book library. Yes, I realize that Wine + Cheese is a weird addition for someone who isn’t eating dairy at home, but I do still love cheese (that I eat outside of the home), and I’m excited to learn more about pairings.

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Since I’m on sabbatical, I feel like I should finally be able to make a dent in my giant book pile, so wish me luck.