Strawberry Memories

Strawberry Memories |

Since I’ve started eating and cooking (mostly) vegan cuisine at home, it’s been extremely easy to do 90% of my weekly shopping solely at the farmers market. I enjoy this because (a) it forces me out of my house on Sundays to go interact with my neighborhood and (b) I can really pay attention to what’s in season.

Already the season for strawberries is over, and I can’t even remember exactly how long ago it was that I took this photo. But I remember the berries being concentrated and sweet and tasting of early summer. Now in the sweltering thickness of this New York heat wave, I already long for strawberries and gentler breezes.

But I have bought sugar plums instead, and I’m thinking of making some kind of stone fruit compote for sorbet. And soon it will be time for apples and squash.