Fast Fridays: Roast Sweet Potato, Kale, and Apple

In the winter, I’m a huge fan of roasting vegetables in the oven for a fast dish. I like to simply combine them and let them do their thing. One of the dishes I’ve made recently is simply diced sweet potatoes (skin on, 3/4-1 inch pieces), diced apples (same size), and kale (torn into approximately 1 inch square pieces). Combine in a baking pan. Drizzle good olive oil on everything. Sprinkle garam masala on it, and toss everything together.

Roast Sweet Potato, Kale, and Apple

Bake at 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes (or until the sweet potato gets soft), checking every 10 minutes to see if the kale’s getting too crispy. If it is, add some water to the pan and re-toss everything.

What I like about this dish is that there’s a nice, natural contrast of textures and flavors. It’s sweet, but with the slight bitterness of the kale. The kale is crunchy and the apples are very soft.

If you prefer less crispy kale and crunchier apples, flavor them separately from the sweet potato and add them after about 25 minutes (letting the sweet potatoes pre-cook on their own first).